Thursday, November 11, 2010

Satan worship a mystery or a bitter truth?

Satan worship or satanism refers to the practice according to which, its followers adore Satan as their lord and give him spiritual authority.These people who worship Satan are called satanists,they may pray to him, seek things from him, and have ceremonies centered around him.They share the feature of symbolism, traditions, veneration or admiration of Satan and/or similar figures or personifications of powers or ideologies.
There are two main schools of Satanism: Traditional Satanism (first century to present) and Modern Satanism (19th century forward). Satan is viewed differently in the two schools of Satan worship. In Traditional Satanism, he is thought to be a personal spirit-being, so the believers participate in worship, prayer, or rituals that recognize Satan's spiritual authority. Modern Satan worshipers believe Satan is an impersonal entity. In this school of Satanism, hedonism is key.
Satan Worship – The Satanic Bible
Satan Worship is described in a book titled The Satanic Bible, which was written by LaVey in 1966. It has sold millions of copies. Here are the foundation tenants laid out in this book
Satan Worship is described in a book titled The Satanic Bible, which was written by LaVey in 1966. It has sold millions of copies. Here are the foundation tenants laid out in this book:
1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.
5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.
7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all.
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years.
    The prominent symbols of satanists.

I Love You, Devil
Sign that says ''I love devil''
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is confused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf,Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist.

must read the next episode ''More prominent symbols of satanists and the prominent figures around the world using them....''
this Saturday!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Up coming feature.....,,,!!!!

Satan worshippers.

Is Bermuda triangle safe for journey/trip?

Bermuda triangle ,although a mysterious area , can not be termed or marked as unsafe for journeys . As US coast guards and UK sources have denied any unusual activities or incidents taking place .
In the case of pictures regarding Bermuda tri-angle, we can deduce that those pictures have been edited ,otherwise how is this possible that someone capturing those pictures within the same area remains safe?
Some also say, that the mystery is nothing but , there is an access of gravitational power in that specific borders of the area .Still we can not mark it a dangerous area as there are no convincing theories on this issue.
for any question or querry regarding this feature you can either leave a comment ,or contact me at :
email address-
mobile number- +923132151310

Cont....on the mystery ''Bermuda triangle''.

The Triangle area:

The area of the Triangle varies from one author to another;
The boundaries of the triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.

Lawrence theory in response to the mystery:
Lawrence David Kusche, a research librarian from Arizona State University and author of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved (1975) argued that many claims of Gaddis and subsequent writers were often exaggerated, dubious or unverifiable. Kusche's research revealed a number of inaccuracies and inconsistencies between Berlitz's accounts and statements from eyewitnesses, participants, and others involved in the initial incidents. Kusche noted cases where pertinent information went unreported, such as the disappearance of round-the-world yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, which Berlitz had presented as a mystery, despite clear evidence to the contrary. Another example was the ore-carrier recounted by Berlitz as lost without trace three days out of an Atlantic port when it had been lost three days out of a port with the same name in the Pacific Ocean. Kusche also argued that a large percentage of the incidents that sparked allegations of the Triangle's mysterious influence actually occurred well outside it. Often his research was simple: he would review period newspapers of the dates of reported incidents and find reports on possibly relevant events like unusual weather, that were never mentioned in the disappearance stories.

Kusche concluded that:

* The number of ships and aircraft reported missing in the area was not significantly greater, proportionally speaking, than in any other part of the ocean.
* In an area frequented by tropical storms, the number of disappearances that did occur were, for the most part, neither disproportionate, unlikely, nor mysterious; furthermore, Berlitz and other writers would often fail to mention such storms.
* The numbers themselves had been exaggerated by sloppy research. A boat's disappearance, for example, would be reported, but its eventual (if belated) return to port may not have been.
* Some disappearances had, in fact, never happened. One plane crash was said to have taken place in 1937 off Daytona Beach, Florida, in front of hundreds of witnesses; a check of the local papers revealed nothing.
* The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery, perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism.

According to other sources:

When the UK Channel 4 television program "The Bermuda Triangle" (c. 1992) was being produced by John Simmons of Geo films for the Equinox series, the marine insurer Lloyd's of London was asked if an unusually large number of ships had sunk in the Bermuda Triangle area. Lloyd's of London determined that large numbers of ships had not sunk there.

United States Coast Guard records confirm their conclusion. In fact, the number of supposed disappearances is relatively insignificant considering the number of ships and aircraft that pass through on a regular basis.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Bermuda Triangle: Famous Disappearances and Theroies about this Mysterious Region

The Bermuda Triangle or "devil's triangle" is an imaginary triangle stretching from Norfolk to the island of Bermuda and back to Puerto Rico. The term "Bermuda Triangle" was first used in an article written for Argosy magazine in 1964. The author claimed that in this strange expanse of sea a number of planes and ships had disappeared without explanation.

Historical Mysteries in the Bermuda Triangle
As early as 1492, Christopher Columbus reported that while he sailed through the area, his compass went haywire and he spotted a ball of fire in the sky. (This could be explained away as a meteor and the trouble with his compass as a discrepancy between true north and magnetic north that exists in the triangle.)

Another famous encounter is the discovery of the abandoned ship Mary Celeste in 1892. There was no sign of the captain, his family, and the eight crew members or what happened to them. Save for one lifeboat, all the supplies had been left on the ship.

The most famous of all strange occurrences in the triangle is the disappearance of the five navy avenger bombers of Flight 19. The crewmen were inexperienced trainees except for the patrol leader Lt. Charles Taylor, whose compass malfunctioned during the flight. He tried to navigate using landmarks below, but a brewing storm caused poor visibility, and he unknowingly led them farther into sea. Apparently, the five planes ran out of gas and plunged into the sea, but to this day, the wreckage has never been found.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

mysteries going around the globe.......

hey guys ! this is nab the mystery unleasher , i am starting a series of episodes on some unimaginable secrets of current issues .
keep viewing my blog on every Friday eve ............